Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Reflective diary

Ok... I'm gonna try and use my blog for something useful, a reflective diary no less. It's gonna be work related and hopefully serve as a good memory aid.

So.. I got to work on 3-2-09 late shift and I was asked to go over to the Place of Saftey Assessment Unit (PSAU). When I arrived I was asked to contact Crisis Resolution Team (CRT) County (8900) and make sure Approved Social Worker (ASW) and the Forensics Medical Examiner had been contacted. These two individuals are to conduct a mental health assessment to determine whether the guy who had been brought in on a section 136 needed hospital admission or not. After I had done this the ASW contacted me first and said that there was no point in her attending unless the FME attended at the same time. She asked me to find out when he would be attending and then ring her back. However I later discovered that this is not the role of the Nurse In Charge (NIC) and that after Crisis have been informed the ASW or AMHP and the FME are perfectly able to communicate with each other. The contact number for the FME's is 08456066390. The role of the NIC and there colleague(s) is to 'baby sit' the patient until the ASW and FME arrive then look after them while they do their assessment and then facilitate transfer to a ward or discharge home. Also do my bit on the section 136 (or 135) section papers (not forgetting to enter the time the police left on this document which the office should complete and sign. Fill in the MARACIS form ie admission and then transfer or discharge. Commence formal observations Level II 10 minuets and complete nursing notes.

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