Thursday 1 May 2008

Well, I'm still off work with a bad wrist. Gonna go and get it x-rayed again on the 6th May, tho I don't think it's fractured. I hurt my wrist on April 21st at work and at the time it was suspected that I had cracked my scaphoid (small soft bone at base of thumb.) Anyway, back to work soon I think. Even tho, being off work has given me lots of time to organize a night out for ex Rothesay and Grasmere staff. I keep doing regular e-mailing and I've sent off a wave of txt messages cos I sign up to a free txting thingy which I unsubscribed to just before they started charging....Muuhahahahaah (evil laugh). I'm now branching out into video so I'm gonna start leaving video messages too.