Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Well I don't keep up with my postings on the blog very often. To be honest the only reason I've revisited it now is because Siobhan is talking about setting up a blog and using it as her news section on her website The nice thing about that is she can tap news straight into her blog without me having to update her website. We need to set her up with a account too as she has many of her poems on video now.

Thursday, 1 May 2008

Well, I'm still off work with a bad wrist. Gonna go and get it x-rayed again on the 6th May, tho I don't think it's fractured. I hurt my wrist on April 21st at work and at the time it was suspected that I had cracked my scaphoid (small soft bone at base of thumb.) Anyway, back to work soon I think. Even tho, being off work has given me lots of time to organize a night out for ex Rothesay and Grasmere staff. I keep doing regular e-mailing and I've sent off a wave of txt messages cos I sign up to a free txting thingy which I unsubscribed to just before they started charging....Muuhahahahaah (evil laugh). I'm now branching out into video so I'm gonna start leaving video messages too.

Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Ok, I've just signed up for my blog space and now am frantically trying to think what the hell I'm gonna put on it. Let me talk about my interests first. I love messing around on my computer, it's fantastic, totally bloody brilliant! When I was a boy (old fart pipes up) my dad bought a TRS-80 from Tandy. It had a small black and white screen, and all the 'guts' where in the keyboard. It could boast 4k of memory. My God how it's changed!!